You may upload your own SummarizedExperiment (SE) object saved as a R .rds file. Once uploaded, it will be added to the list of available objects (in the dropdown list on the top left). For instructions on how to optimally prepare the object, click here .
Select genes to plot
If your the row names of the object are dot-separated IDs, such as 'ensemblID.symbol' (you can view this in the 'Features' tab), you may also enter just the genes symbols and the corresponding rows will be fetched.
Important: Note that the number of input genes is capped to
Select samples
Heatmap parameters
Gene lists
igNeurons TimeCourse
This app allows you to browse and plot the transcriptomic data from our study on human-specific microRNAs in the timing of excitatory synaptogenesis based on human iPSC-derived, induced glial-free neurons (igNeurons).